- 彼の最近の事故にはいっさい触れないようにしなさい
try to avoid any reference to his recent accident 意味
- "try to attract someone into" 意味
- "try to attract someone sexually" 意味
- "try to avert involvement in factional maneuvering as well as bureaucratic meddling in politics" 意味
- "try to avoid a husband's drunken tirade" 意味
- "try to avoid any destabilization of" 意味
- "try to avoid cluttering up your room" 意味
- "try to avoid direct confrontation" 意味
- "try to avoid doing anything which might hurt his feelings" 意味
- "try to avoid exciting his emotions" 意味
- "try to avoid a husband's drunken tirade" 意味
- "try to avoid any destabilization of" 意味
- "try to avoid cluttering up your room" 意味
- "try to avoid direct confrontation" 意味